
Sunnats of Our Beloved Nabi (s.a.w)

When Removing The Clothes

It is mentioned in the Hadith that on removing one’s clothing recite ‘Bismillah’ as it serves as a barrier between the Shayaateen and human beings. In other words the Shayateen are prevented from viewing the human being. (Hisnul Haseen pg.147 – Urdu)

When A Child Is Born

NOTE:- Nowadays, children are being spoilt with love and affection while the parents console themselves by saying that the child will behave when he grows up. One should remember that if the foundation is not straight, the building will also be crooked. Therefore, it is necessary to inculcate good character into the child from the very beginning so that one may not regret later.


Nabî Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “Indeed Allâh Ta'ala sends His special mercy and the angels seek forgiveness and make duâ for those who partake of sehrî.” (Tabrâni, Ibn Hibbân)

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